英语人>词典>英汉 : immediate annuity的中文,翻译,解释,例句
immediate annuity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

immediate annuity

immediate annuity的基本解释

[经] 即期年金

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That can mean converting your retirement assets into an immediate annuity that generates a monthly income until you die, a strategy that leaves nothing for your survivors. There are also options that can leave something, but they will pay you less each month.


That can mean converting your retirement assets into an immediate annuity that generates a monthly income until you die, a strategy that leaves nothing for your survivors.


An annuity offering an immediate payment is known as an annuity due.


Too, the client who is 59 could place some proceeds into an single premium immediate annuity and fund the life insurance over the next couple of years directly.


Just before interest rates started to fall, he invested part of the money in an immediate annuity and earned a bigger payout than if he had chosen the company's pension annuity.


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Immediate annuity:即期年金

按给付开始时间,美国年金产品可分为递延年金(Deferred Annuity)和即期年金(Immediate Annuity)两类. 递延年金允许个人在累积储蓄同时推延收入税的交纳时间直到年金给付开始. 递延年金的主要客户是那些无法参与公司退休金计划者,

single premium immediate annuity:abbr. spia; 趸缴即期