英语人>词典>英汉 : idiotism的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

idiotism ['idiətizəm]


[医] 白痴

更多网络例句与idiotism相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That which would be considered as an evidence of idiotism or insanity in the last instance, is defended and practised in the former.


One of the many problems connected with idiotism (which is a disease of the neocortex) is the deleterious effects on soft brain tissue.


In the interpretation of the mind of anyone, it is necessary that the words he speaks or writes be rightly understood; and this we cannot do immediately unless we understand the language wherein he speaks, as also the idiotism of that language, with the common use of and intention of its phraseology and expressions.


In the interpretation of the mind of anyone, it is necessary that the words he speaks or writes be rightly understood; and this we cannot do immediately unless we understand the language wherein he speaks, as also the idiotism of that language, with the common use of and intention of its phraseology and expression_rs.


更多网络解释与idiotism相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


idiotia白痴 | idiotism白痴 | idiotopic自形组构

Idiocy ; Idiotism ; Idiotcy ; Idiotry:白痴,先天痴呆

意想混乱 Ideosynchysis | 白痴,先天痴呆 Idiocy ; Idiotism ; Idiotcy ; Idiotry | 特发性梦行症 Idiosomnambulism