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hydrological cycle的中文,翻译,解释,例句

hydrological cycle

hydrological cycle的基本解释


更多网络例句与hydrological cycle相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It plays an important role in the process of energy exchange, biogeochemical cycles and hydrological cycle in land surface.


Quantitative assessment of human activity intensity was a basis of analyzing impacts of human activity on evolution of hydrological cycle, and also a basis of finding ecological environment deterioration in the catchment.


Hydrological cycle is the most important material on the planet is one big cycle, of great significance.


更多网络解释与hydrological cycle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hydrological cycle:水文循环

当固态的冰加速变成液体的水,整个世界的水文循环(Hydrological Cycle)就不再一样. 试想想,被蒸发的水会不会多了?降雨量又如何?由於水文循环的一惯运作受到干扰,全世界的水量都被重新分配,於是出现气候异常,例如有些地方会出现大水灾(雨量增多),

hydrological cycle:水循环

hydrolase 水解酶 | hydrological cycle 水循环 | hydrolysate 水解产物

hydrological cycle:水分循环

hydrographical chart 水文地理图; 水系图; 水道图 | hydrological cycle 水分循环 | hydrometeorological survey 水文气象调查