英语人>词典>英汉 : honoring的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] honor的现在分词


荣誉, 头衔, 信用, 尊敬, 名誉, 阁下, 勋章


尊敬, 授予荣誉, 承兑, 实践

更多网络例句与honoring相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But their role is not simply a matter of sales—it is the honoring of excellently invented products.


In a statement, Webb said he is grateful to Burma's government for honoring those requests.


And they said,"Love is honoring your father and your mother, and obeying them."

他们说 &爱是荣耀你的父亲与母亲,并且遵从他们。&

When it is clean and honoring to God, it can really bring glory to Him.


I always believe, however, that it is a season good for remembrance and honoring.


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更多网络解释与honoring相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

honoring conference:表彰大会

Association of International Personnel Exchange 国际人才交流协会 | biaozhang dahui 表彰大会- honoring conference | Bureau of Exit and Entry Management of MoPS 公安部出入境管理局

Honoring mother:母親節竹筒

9. 杉林市集開張 Official opening of Magit Market | 11. 母親節竹筒 Honoring mother | END: 新豐入住準備 New homes for typhoon survivors

Honoring the Practice:尊敬這修練

瑜珈的鍛練/ The Discipline of Yoga | 尊敬這修練/ Honoring the Practice | 三摩地/ Samadhi

Honoring the Secret:尊崇奧密

16 三種純淨 / Three Types of Purity | 17 尊崇奧密 / Honoring the Secret | 18 快樂且不為所動 / Be Happy and Dispassionate

honoring its pledge:履行自己的诺言

the suspension of uranirm enrichment 终止浓缩铀 | honoring its pledge 履行自己的诺言 | the footage identifies the victim as ....(影片的)连续镜头验明遇难者是...

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