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According to the requirment which is provided by Xinjiang Construction Bureau, this paper designed structural scheme of half-timbered house.


The Atkins creation is close to the real thing, as associate director Paul Rice points out a half-timbered Tudor storefront as an example, saying:"This building is based on some of the buildings from the west of England," he added.

阿特金斯的作品为我们展示了一个原汁原味的英国小镇,该公司的副董事Paul Rice认为仿都铎式的半木质结构的规划理念就充分体现了这一点。

The streets of old market towns and country villages are often infinitely pleasing and harmonious, with the half-timbered houses of the 16th century in the south and midlands, and the dignified town terraces of the 18th and early 19lh centuries in many parts of the country.


The Bard's half-timbered Tudor house is Britain's most visited literary landmark, and at Anne Hathaway's Cottage you'll see the fireplace where Will sat with Anne and wooed her.


Andrea Bender allows us an insight into a world which seems to be running wild: against the backdrop of a small, narrow-minded German town full of half-timbered houses a mob is rising; girls are knocking out stout gentlemen in a ring; androgynous baroque folks are daring obscene dances with lusty apes.


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half-timber house 半露木架房屋 | half-timbered 半木结构,露明木架,砖木结构 | half-time 半衰期

half-timbered work:半木结构建筑

half-thickness 强度减半厚度 | half-timbered work 半木结构建筑 | half-track vehicle 半履带车