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halakah [,hɑ:lə'kɑ:; hə'lɑ:kə]



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Islam in the course of its development borrowed also a large number of legal precepts from the Jewish Halakah.


The isolation of the Halakah from the Midrash not only resulted in a shorter and more definite form, but also removed many differences then existing.

孤立的halakah从midrash ,不仅造成在较短的和更确定的形式,但还取消了许多差异,那么现存的。

In order to obtain a correct conception of the Mishnah, as well as of its value and importance, it is necessary to consider its relation to preceding collections of similar content as well as the general development of the oral doctrine from the earliest midrash of the Soferim down to the time when the Halakah received its final form.

为了获得正确的概念,该mishnah ,以及它的价值和重要性,有必要考虑它与前一集类似的内容,以及一般的发展口头学说从最早midrash的soferim到时候halakah收到它的最后形式。

Indeed in many cases the divergency had been merely one of form, the proof and the derivation from Scripture being differently stated for the same halakah by different teachers.


This first collection of the Mishnah and its separation from the Midrash were intended, on the one hand, to reduce the traditional Halakah to a shorter form, and, on the other, to fix the disputed halakot as such; of these disputed halakot there were then but few.


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