英语人>词典>英汉 : groundnut oil的中文,翻译,解释,例句
groundnut oil的中文,翻译,解释,例句

groundnut oil

groundnut oil的基本解释

[化] 花生油

更多网络例句与groundnut oil相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In North and West India, groundnut oil has traditionally been most popular for cooking, while in Eastern India, Mustard oil is more commonly used.


Groundnut oil is extremely good and gives a lovely flavour.


Groundnut oil with ham and bacon smells off when it is kept too long; but I like the smell of bad oil, which is much oilier and riper, similar to old rice in the past.


"Frankly, no," says Allegra, explaining that she sticks to "groundnut oil for Asian food, and nice walnut oil is great in a dressing or for adding depth to stews". She's impressed when we try an A L'Olivier grapeseed oil, which causes her to exclaim "Oh, this is really fresh!", before Charles explains that he uses it for mayonnaise.


Groundnut oil prices fell 17.7 percent due to sharply falling demand in Europe and removal of the export ban in Senegal.


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更多网络解释与groundnut oil相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

groundnut oil, peanut oil arachis oil:花生油

花生仁 groundnut kernel | 花生油 groundnut oil, peanut oil arachis oil | [落]花生 groundnut, earthnut, peanut

groundnut oil:花生油

groundwater 地下水 | groundnut oil 花生油 | groundmass 基质

superior groundnut oil:特级花生油

superior disinfectant detergent 优质消毒洗衣粉 | superior groundnut oil 特级花生油 | superior jasmine tea 特级茉莉花茶

superfine groundnut oil:特级花生油

superfine fibre 超细纤维 | superfine groundnut oil 特级花生油 | superfine thermoplastic fibre 超细热塑性纤维

Chinese superfine groundnut oil:中国香味花生油

Chinese super woollen carpet 中国高级羊毛地毯 | Chinese superfine groundnut oil 中国香味花生油 | Chinese sweet apricot kernel 中国甜杏仁

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