英语人>词典>英汉 : garden bond的中文,翻译,解释,例句
garden bond的中文,翻译,解释,例句

garden bond

garden bond的基本解释


更多网络例句与garden bond相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is another major difference between the garden variety of bond and our new exotic 12 percent "equity bond" that comes to the Wall Street costume ball dressed in a stock certificate.


The bondholder gets it in cash There is another major difference between the garden variety of bond and our new exotic 12 percent "equity bond" that comes to the Wall Street costume ball dressed in a stock certificate.


There is another major difference between the garden variety of bond and our new exotic 12 percent "equity bond" that comes to the Wall Street costume ball dressed in a stock certificate.


更多网络解释与garden bond相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

garden wall cross bond:园墙交替砌合

garden wall bond ==> 园墙砌合 | garden wall cross bond ==> 园墙交替砌合 | garden-engine ==> 园艺用泵

garden bond:园墙砌合

garden beet ==> 菜用甜菜 | garden bond ==> 园墙砌合 | garden burnet ==> 地榆

garden wall bond:园墙砌合

garden tractor ==> 小型园艺拖拉机 | garden wall bond ==> 园墙砌合 | garden wall cross bond ==> 园墙交替砌合

Flemish garden wall bond:荷兰园墙式砌合法,三顺一丁砌法

Flemish double-stretcher bond ==> 两顺一丁砌法 | Flemish garden wall bond ==> 荷兰园墙式砌合法,三顺一丁砌法 | flenu coal ==> 长焰烟煤

Sussex garden wall bond:三顺一丁砌法

suspicious package ==> 可疑物品=>不審物 | Sussex garden wall bond ==> 三顺一丁砌法 | Sussex garden-wall bond ==> 苏塞克斯花园墙砌合

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