英语人>词典>英汉 : functional calculus的中文,翻译,解释,例句
functional calculus的中文,翻译,解释,例句

functional calculus

functional calculus的基本解释


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The topics include the spectral theorem, the functional calculus and the Fredholm index.


We present the preliminary knowledge in Chapter 2,which includes the main properties of Sobolev Functional Space,the calculus on the Banach Space and the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of parabolic equations.


The stability and convergence for spectral methods and spectral element methods are presented, with the aid of the knowledge of functional analysis and calculus and with the help of the theorem of Lax-Milagram, the stability and convergence for steady problems, evolution equations and Navier-Stokes Equations are analyzed in detail.


The term originates from functional programming and lambda calculus, where a lambda abstraction defines an unnamed function.

这一术语来源自函数式编程和 lambda 运算,lambda 抽像定义了一个匿名函数。

Using some hypothesis,in this paper,a function of the number of check-verifying times in unit time for safety mornitor systems is presented the extreme functional value by the calculus of variations is evaluated and a mathematical model of check-verifying period with the minimum of check-verifying and losing cost is obtained.


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functional calculus:函项演算

functional analysis 泛函分析 | functional calculus 函项演算 | functional constant 函数常数

functional calculus:{基}谓词演算;函数运算法

泛数平均法 functional averaging method | {基}谓词演算;函数运算法 functional calculus | 函数的上积 functional cup product

predicate calculus, functional calculus:谓词演算

谓词变元|predicate variable | 谓词演算|predicate calculus, functional calculus | 温莎平均|Winsorized mean

first order functional calculus:一阶泛函演算

一阶方程 first order equation | 一阶泛函演算 first order functional calculus | 一阶积分微分方程 first order integral-differential equation