英语人>词典>英汉 : for one or several years的中文,翻译,解释,例句
for one or several years的中文,翻译,解释,例句

for one or several years

for one or several years的基本解释


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Contract of affreightment ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charterer's need for transport capacity over a certain period of time , often one year or several years .


"I wish I had a photo to share of this very true story but any ponder with cats has likely had the same experience at some time or another. Several years ago, when I was enjoying the second season of my first pond (I have now built four as I've moved around), one of our cats,"Smokey", who was a natural hunter in her prime, saw a mockingbird alight on a lilly pad to get a drink of water. Well, old "Smokester slowly crept out from under some day lillies and made a spectacular jump with all four paws majestically carrying her like a flying squirrel, right for that intruding bird.

"我真希望我的照片分享这个非常真实的故事,但任何思考与猫狗都有可能有相同的经历,在某个时候或另一几年前,当我在享受第二个赛季的我的第一个池(现在我已经建成4个,作为我已经让周围),我们的一个猫"的smokey ",他们是非常自然的猎人,在她风华正茂,看到一只知更鸟下车,就来垫,以获得喝水,那么旧的" smokester 慢慢来逐步脱离,有一天声声,并提出了壮观的跳跃与所有四个熊掌majestically进行,她像一个飞鼠,右为入侵的鸟。

Many Anacondas will not eat again for several weeks or even months, depending on the size of the last meal. One captive Anaconda is on record for fasting over two years!
