英语人>词典>英汉 : flunkies的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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His severity was directed at the contemptibility of those flunkies and hellions—a satire of mundane and artificial customs.


Tell me why the hellcat W of SZ doesn't come herself instead of sending you flunkies to bother me?


DAY 774 - I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return.


Watch who you're talking to, Jesús. I'm not one of your little flunkies.

注意你是在和谁说话 Jesús 我不是你的仆人

Along the way, I also suffer losing my job since flunkies gossipped about me to my boss.


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Mogg Flunkies:莫葛跟班

78Furnace Spirit熔炉向导SH | 79Mogg Flunkies莫葛跟班SH | 80Craven Giant懦弱巨人SH

The world needs flunkies:这世界需要仆役

How can you let her treat youlike a footstool?|你怎么能让她对你像个踏脚凳一样? | The world needs flunkies.|这世界需要仆役 | Don't say that. You're better than that.|别这么说 你不是仆役