英语人>词典>英汉 : firewood forest的中文,翻译,解释,例句
firewood forest的中文,翻译,解释,例句

firewood forest

firewood forest的基本解释


更多网络例句与firewood forest相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Biologic energy is the main source in countryside energy.Multiplicate energy sources complement each other so as to make up for insufficiency of firewood forest.Firewood is still favored, because it is regenerative,pollution-free,low cost,easy store,securer and so on.


Bieti lost its habitat continuously in recently decades associated with the extension of rangelands and farmlands, as well as firewood collection etc. The monkey live mainly in primary fir forest and the mixed conifer forest, to evaluate the status of the monkeys' habitat, we employed GIS and RS software to identify the habitat types with five Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite imagery in winter of 1986, 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006 years respectively. The work resulted in: 1 the size of summer grazing lands, farmlands, and fir forest was 13 100 hm2, 6 400 hm2, and 30 500 hm2 in 2006 respectively; 2 during the past 20 years (1986-2006), the size of fir forest (including primary fir forest and the mixed conifer forest) decreased by 14.6%(5 200 hm2), summer grazing lands and farmlands increased by 47.2%(4 200 hm2) and 14.3%(800 hm2) respectively; and 3, during the past 20 years, the number of firry forest patches increased by 68.4%, the mean size of firry forest patches decreased by 49.3%(from 15.1 to7.6 hm2), the largest patch index of firry forest decreased 54.9%; the patch richness had no change, but the Shannon's diversity index and the Shannon's evenness index increased by 2.7% respectively.

为了评估该物种的栖息地现状和变化情况,我们通过野外调查工作,应用GIS和RS技术,分别解译了1986年、1992年、1997年、2001年和2006年的Landsat TM/ETM+冬季卫星影像,并对解译结果进行了计算和分析,得到了以下西藏种群栖息地的主要结果:1)现有暗针叶林(包括原始针叶林和针阔混交林)面积是30 500 hm2,夏季牧场面积是13 100 hm2,农田面积是6 400 hm2;2)在过去20年间(1986-2006年),暗针叶林面积减少了14.6%(5 200 hm2),夏季牧场面积增加了47.2%(4 200 hm2),农田面积增加了14.3%(800 hm2);3)在过去20年间,暗针叶林的斑块数量增加了68.4%,平均斑块面积下降了49.3%(从1986年的15.1 hm2下降到2006年的7.6 hm2),最大的斑块指数下降了54.9%;景观丰富度并没有变化,但Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度指数分别增加了2.7%。

Based on the performances of different varieties, it is considered that the Guangxi landrace, African landrace, Myanmar landrace and ICPL87119 adapted to Karsts stone mountain areas and hilly lands, and could be used for feed, water and soil conservation and ecological protection, firewood forest and so on.
