英语人>词典>英汉 : external auditory canal的中文,翻译,解释,例句
external auditory canal的中文,翻译,解释,例句

external auditory canal

external auditory canal的基本解释


更多网络例句与external auditory canal相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Otitis externa can be divided into two categories for the limitations of otitis externa, also known as the external auditory canal boil furuncle of extrnal auditory ...

外耳道炎可分为两类类为局限性外耳道炎又称外耳道疖(furuncle of extrnal auditory 。。。

But some parents love their children掏耳朵, in fact, there are many harmful effects of掏耳朵:掏耳朵, due to laugh and play rough, you may damage the skin of the external auditory canal; as a result of the use of the tools are not clean and can cause acute otitis externa, furuncle or external auditory canal swelling, caused great suffering to the children; may also be an accident, eardrum perforation, causing serious deafness.


Methods:TMJs of 7 corpses were dissected and studied anatomically.The anterior inclining angle of external auditory canal was measured on 20 CT films which show the symmetry of bilateral external auditory meatus and the central position of nasal septum.


更多网络解释与external auditory canal相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nerve of external auditory meatus:外耳道神经

nerve nucleus 神经核 | nerve of external auditory meatus 外耳道神经 | nerve of pterygoid canal 翼管神经

incision and drainage of external auditory canal:外耳道切开引流术

incision and drainage of ear skin ==> 耳皮切开引流术 | incision and drainage of external auditory canal ==> 外耳道切开引流术 | incision and drainage of lip abscess ==> 唇脓肿切开引流术

external auditory meatus:外耳道,外听道

external auditory canal curet ==> 外耳道用刮匙 | external auditory meatus ==> 外耳道,外听道 | external auditory meatus reflex ==> 基施氏反射