英语人>词典>英汉 : expressly provide的中文,翻译,解释,例句
expressly provide的中文,翻译,解释,例句

expressly provide

expressly provide的基本解释


更多网络例句与expressly provide相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The principle of legality in China's new criminal law established an important principle, which advocates "no crimen sine lege, there is no specific law does not punish" In other words, the law expressly provides for criminal acts, in accordance with Legal convicted and punished; law does not expressly provide for criminal acts, even if it has a certain degree of social harm, but because the law does not expressly provide, it is not punishment.


In Ceylon the Sylvestrine Benedictines have undertaken (1883) missionary work amongst the natives in the Diocese of Kandy, the bishop of which is a member of the order; and still more recently the congregation of St. Ottilien, expressly established to provide workers for the foreign mission field, has established missions amongst the native tribes of Central Africa, where the seeds of the Faith have already been watered by the blood of its first martyrs.

在锡兰的Sylvestrine笃开展( 1883年)之间的传教工作的本地人在康提教区的主教这是一个成员的秩序;更最近的聚集街Ottilien ,明确设立工人提供的外国使团场,已设立的特派团之间的土著部落的中部非洲,那里的种子的信仰已经被水淹了血的第一人。

The Draft of Advertising Regulations issued currently by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce expressly provide the liabilities of the advertising attestor.


更多网络解释与expressly provide相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

expressly provided:订明

明文规定-----expressly provide that . . . | 订明-----expressly provided | 明言......-----expressly purports . . .

expressly prohibits:明确禁止

明示或默示同意......-----expressly or impliedly consented to . . . | 明确禁止-----expressly prohibits | 明文规定-----expressly provide that . . .