英语人>词典>英汉 : euthenics的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

euthenics [ju:'θeniks]


环境优生学, 环境改善学

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This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it's application in Economics, Sociology, Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics.


Euthenics:The study of the improvement of human functioning and well-being by improvement of living conditions.


The significance is that it can realize city emulation by applicating euthenics, engineering, layout and VR technology. Consequently we can show the more real, brilliance, dramatic city's visage, so that it makes the feasibility research of the city planning more simple and it in favor of city planning, city's construct and city' perfect.


The significance is that it can realize city emulation by applicating euthenics, engineering, layout and VR technology. Consequently we can show the more real, brilliance, dramatic city's visage, so that it makes the feasibility research of the city planning more simple and it in favor of city planning, city's construct and city' perfect.Virtual Reality;City planning;Modeling;Emulation


The significance is that it can realize city emulation by applicating euthenics, engineering, layout and VR technology. Consequently we can show the more real, brilliance, dramatic city's visage, so that it makes the feasibility research of the city planning more simple and it in favor of city planning, city's construct and city' perfect.Keywords :Virtual Reality;City planning;Modeling;Emulation


更多网络解释与euthenics相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


优型学 euphenics | 优境学 euthenics | 染色体学 chromosomology, chromosomics


euthanasia 安乐死 | euthenics 环境优生学 | euthermic 发热的

euthenics:优境学 生物改善学

eutectrolprocess 共析法 | euthenics 优境学 生物改善学 | euthymia 情感正常


euthanasia 安乐死 | euthenics 环境改善学 | euthenics 环境优生学

Euthenics of Women and Children:妇婴保健

教育经典选读Selected Texts on Education | 妇婴保健Euthenics of Women and Children | 儿童图书馆学Children's Library