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Thus the order ceased to be eremitical and became one of the mendicant orders.

因此,为了不再成为eremitical ,并成为其中的乞讨命令。

Christian monasticism has varied greatly in its external forms, but, broadly speaking, it has two main species the eremitical or solitary, the cenobitical or family types.

基督教修道有很大的差别在其外部形式,但大致来说,它有两个主要物种 eremitical或单独,在cenobitical或家庭类型。

Christian monasticism has varied greatly in its external forms, but, broadly speaking, it has two main species the eremitical or solitary, the cenobitical or family types.

基督教修道有很大的差别,在其外部形式,但大致来说,它有两个主要树种 eremitical或孤立, cenobitical或家庭类型。

These are the so - called desert fathers, hermits, living in the eremitical style in the deserts of Egypt, Syria, and Palestine.

这些都是如此-所谓的沙漠父亲,隐士,居住在e remitical风格在沙漠的埃及,叙利亚和巴勒斯坦。

The last is a treatise on eremitical life by Blessed lred, Abbot of Rievaulx, England, who died in 1166 and as the two preceding rules are of unknown authorship, it follows that none but Letter 211 and Sermons 355 and 356 were written by St.

最后是一个论文eremitical生活的祝福lred ,艾博特的Rievaulx ,英格兰,谁死在1166年和前两个规则是作者不为人知,因此,没有211 ,但信和布道355和356写的街奥古斯丁。

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