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And the administration is reviving FutureGen, a pilot project to burn coal and produce electricity while capturing and storing the carbon; the Bush administration had abandoned it, and many see it as a boondoggle for big coal and a sop to electorally crucial coal states.


His ratings are sagging particularly badly with electorally vital independent voters: two-thirds of them think he wants to spend too much of their money.


His ratings are sagging particularly badly with electorally vital independent voters: two-thirds of them think he wants to spend too much of their money.


His ratings are sagging particularly badly with electorally vital independent voters: two-thirds of them think he wants to spend too much of their money.


The snag is that even if politicians accept the need to raise public-sector savings, it is not in their short-term political interest to rein in electorally rewarding current expenditure growth.


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electorally:从选举方面来讲 (副)

electoral college 选举团 | electorally 从选举方面来讲 (副) | electorate 选民; 有选举权者; 选区 (名)