英语人>词典>英汉 : drone fly的中文,翻译,解释,例句
drone fly的中文,翻译,解释,例句

drone fly

drone fly的基本解释

[医] 蜂蝇

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After you have manageable cash flow, yet it is fairly early on in the game, lift off your Drone Ship and fly it to your blue tiberium expansion.


He is armed in this mode with two drone cruise missiles that can fly for 500 miles and explode with a force of 3000 lbs of TNT.

他在这种形态下装配有两枚无线电制导的巡航导弹,这两枚导弹可以飞行500英里并且产生相当于3000镑 TNT 爆炸的威力。

Moreover for Scrin, the Drone Platform can fly over the cliffs and be placed in the middle of tiberium fields.


After you have manageable cash flow, yet it is fairly early on in the game, lift off your Drone Ship and fly it to your blue tiberium expansion.


After you have manageable cash flow, yet it is fairly early on in the game, lift off your Drone Ship and fly it to your blue tiberium expansion.


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drone fly:食蚜蝇

drone egg ==> 雄性卵 | drone fly ==> 食蚜蝇 | droop ==> 下垂,使下垂=>垂下