英语人>词典>英汉 : caustic potash的中文,翻译,解释,例句
caustic potash的中文,翻译,解释,例句

caustic potash

caustic potash的基本解释

[化] 苛性钾, 氢氧化钾

更多网络例句与caustic potash相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Potassium hydroxide is frequently called caustic potash, and in the fertilizer industry, potassium oxide is called potash.


A cleaner process of rice straw and wheat straw pulping by using aqueous ammonia mixed with small amount of caustic potash was studied.


The alkalies called caustic soda and caustic potash are very important industrial chemicals, with uses in the manufacture of soap s, glass, and numerous other products.


The alkalies called caustic soda and caustic potash are very important industrial chemicals, with uses in the manufacture of soaps, glass, and numerous other products.


The caustic potash as a strong base not only could reduce the needed quantity of NH〓 and cooking time, but also provide potassium into black liquor.


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caustic potash:苛性钾

sodium carbonate 碳酸钠 | caustic potash 苛性钾 | caustic soda 苛性钠

caustic potash:氢氧化钾

caustic lime 苛性石灰 | caustic potash 氢氧化钾 | caustic soda 苛性苏打

caustic potash:苛性钾;氢氧化钾

\\"艾炙\\",\\"caustic moxa\\" | \\"苛性钾,氢氧化钾\\",\\"caustic potash\\" | \\"苛性钠,氢氧化钠\\",\\"caustic soda\\"

caustic potash:苛性鉀,氫氧化鈉

苛性鹼 caustic alkali | 苛性鉀,氫氧化鈉 caustic potash | 燒鹼,苛性鈉,氫氧化鈉 caustic soda

caustic potash flakes:苛性钾 片状

草甘膦 glyphosate | 苛性钾 片状 caustic potash flakes | 利福平 Rifampcin

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