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castor bean的中文,翻译,解释,例句

castor bean

castor bean的基本解释


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Night of my childhood years spent in the great disorder, and in the countryside, the stars have not yet a full-time, every family households to avoid the closing doors, and the house cottonseed oil teeny little flashing lights are too bright not too long, Some can not afford even the cotton oil lamp has also raised the poor households, with sorghum wearing castor bean pole of the crust, light on behalf of the lamps, and some farmers simply will not light up the dark grass fed to livestock feed, dark sleep.


It is estimated that the protein, ricin, found in the castor bean plant is as much as 6,000 times more poisonous than cyanide.


The seeds of the castor bean plant are the source of castor oil as well as the deadly poison ricin.


Detoxicated Castor Bean Meal were added to the daily concentrates of the sheep to study the effects of supplementing Detoxicated Castor Bean Meal on productive performance and reproductive capacity, as well as diet digestibility.

通过饲养试验和消化代谢试验,研究脱毒蓖麻粕对肉羊生产性能、繁殖性能、经济效益以及对日粮消化率的影响,结果表明: 1。

Sun goes down, put a bunch of castor bean lit when the lamps, as well as a meal can not find my grandmother cried over the village.


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Castor Bean:蓖麻子

蓖麻子(castor bean)俗称大麻子是蓖麻的果实为油料作物蓖麻全株有毒其有毒成分为蓖麻毒素及蓖麻碱蓖麻毒素2mg蓖麻碱0.16g可使成人致死小儿服生蓖麻子3~5颗即可致死蓖麻毒素及蓖麻碱加热后可.

Castor Bean:蓖麻

13、蓖麻(Castor bean):大戟科. 驱除老鼠. 14、三叶草(Clover):豆科绿肥植物. 可以吸引蚜虫的天敌以及其它益虫. 是苹果的好伙伴. 15、麻(Flax):亚麻科. 驱除马铃薯瓢虫. 是胡萝卜科、茄科蔬菜的好伙伴. 16、月桂(Bay tree):樟科.

Castor Bean:蓖麻籽

cassava木薯 | castor bean蓖麻籽 | castor oil蓖麻油

Castor Bean:篦麻子

蓖藻;石菖藻(日);水苦草(水鱉科) eelgrass; Vallisneria spiralis L. var. asiatica Mak. | 篦麻子 castor bean | 薜荔(本草拾遺) creeping fig ;Ficus pumila L.

castor bean leaf:蓖麻叶

castor bean 蓖麻 | castor bean leaf 蓖麻叶 | castor bean seed 蓖麻籽

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