英语人>词典>英汉 : capric acid的中文,翻译,解释,例句
capric acid的中文,翻译,解释,例句

capric acid

capric acid的基本解释

[化]发酸, 羊蜡酸

更多网络例句与capric acid相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the presence of capric acid,the IC50 values of caprylic and lauric acid deceased obviously.


The presence of capric acid enhanced the inhibitory effects of caprylic acid and lauric acid.


The synergistic action of capric acid was found when combined with caprylic acid and lauric acid.


The total chemical oxygen demand of 325mg/L was composed of 175 mg/L casein, 90 mg/L starch, 30 mg/L capric acid, 15 mg/L of glycerol, and 15 mg/L sodium acetate.

总的化学需氧量COD325mg/L,由175 mg/L酪蛋白,90 mg/L淀粉,30 mg/L富氧酸,15 mg/L甘油,15 mg/L醋酸钠组成。

Expermental results and analysis of long-term thermal stability of capric acid/myristic acid molecular alloy as phase change material are presented.


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更多网络解释与capric acid相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capric acid:癸酸

多用以调制(炖)肉类和作为色拉及薄饼(Pizza)的调配料.夏初未开花前收采花蕾,秋季果实将成熟时收采果实.花蕾含芸香甙(Rutin),癸酸(Capric acid),阿魏酸(Ferulic acid)和芥子酸(Sinapic acid).种子油中含C18不饱和脂肪酸.花蕾收采后以醋腌制为香辣料,

capric acid:发酸

cappy 如帽般的 | capric acid 发酸 | capric 公山羊的

capric acid:癸酸(存在于奶油、可可等中的天然脂肪酸)

capraldehyde 癸醛(增香剂) | capric acid 癸酸(存在于奶油、可可等中的天然脂肪酸) | caproic acid 已酸(一种存在于牛乳脂和可可脂等中的天然脂肪酸

capric acid:羊脂酸;癸酸

\\"山羊的,有山羊臭的\\",\\"capric\\" | \\"羊脂酸,癸酸\\",\\"capric acid\\" | \\"心情变态\\",\\"capriciousness\\"

Capric acid methylester:癸酸甲酯

Capric acid ethylester 癸酸乙酯 | Capric acid methylester 癸酸甲酯 | Capric aldehyde 癸醛

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