英语人>词典>英汉 : capri pants的中文,翻译,解释,例句
capri pants的中文,翻译,解释,例句

capri pants

capri pants的基本解释


更多网络例句与capri pants相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capri pants are making a comeback and can also be found here.


Rachel: Well, y'know, if-if kids like to play with Capri pants.


You know, if kids like to play with capri pants.


See, it's no skirt but Capri pants.


The first time on the morning exercises, there are dark capri pants, socks, and there are no time for hair, a mess of things, so that everyone exhausted.


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更多网络解释与capri pants相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capri pants:七分裤

(记者季翔报道):最近由Monster.ca所做的调查显示,大约有一半的加拿大人认为一些海滩装(Beach Wear),像短背心(tank tops),短裤,七分裤(Capri pants)和拖鞋(flip-flops)等都不适合在办公室里穿.

capri pants:七分裤 也叫卡普里裤

Hot-pants 热裤 | Capri Pants 七分裤 也叫卡普里裤 | Knickerbockers 是收口的七分裤

[America] Capri pants; Capris; toreadore:緊身長褲;卡布里褲

兜帽斗篷 long cloak with hood | 緊身長褲;卡布里褲 [America] Capri pants; Capris; toreadore | 婚紗;薄紗 bridal veil

[America] Capri pants; Capris; toreworship:緊身長褲;卡布里褲

兜帽斗篷 long cloak with hood | 緊身長褲;卡布里褲 [America] Capri pants; Capris; toreworship | 婚紗;薄紗 bridal veil

[America] Capri pants; Capris,buy sweaters; toreadore:紧身长裤,sweaters;卡布里裤

紧身长裤,sweaters;卡布里裤 [America] Capri pants; Capris,buy sweaters; toreadore | 婚纱,sweaters;薄纱 bridal veil | 婚礼服 wedding dress,sweaters; wedding gown

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