英语人>词典>英汉 : capitula的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

capitula [kə'pitjulə]


[变形] capitulum的复数形式


[医] 小头

n. capitulum
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Inflorescences pedunculate capitula; middle part of calyx tube persistent and beaklike at apex of fruit.

花序有花序梗头状;萼筒中部果的宿存和喙状在先端。 3 Anogeissus 榆绿木属

Flowers numerous, bisexual, small, borne in dichasial cymes, corymbs, or panicles, sometimes aggregated into capitula; bracts usually scarious, rarely leaflike.


Male flowers in clusters or forming pedunculate capitula.


Jerome's "Prologus Galeatus" and his prefaces to individual books; the capitula, or summaries of contents; and, in the first quaternion, certain materials which have been much discussed and have proved of the greatest service in tracing the history of the codex, among them dedicatory verses, a list of the books contained in the codex, a picture of the Tabernacle (formerly thought to be Solomon's Temple), a division of the Biblical books according to Jerome, another according to Hilary and Epiphanius, and a third according to Augustine.

除了文圣经的书籍,它包含了圣杰罗姆的& prologus galeatus &,而他的序跋,以个别书籍; capitula ,或摘要的内容,以及在第一次四元,某些材料,其中已有不少讨论,并已证明的最大的服务,追查历史上的法典,其中有奉献小诗,赠书书单载于法典,图片的帐幕的一个事业部,圣经书籍据杰罗姆,另据希拉里和epiphanius ,和第三条根据奥古斯丁。

He approves the recommendations made by Sergius, and has no blame for the capitula of Cyrus.


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