英语人>词典>英汉 : camera lucida的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
camera lucida的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

camera lucida ['lu:sidə]

camera lucida的基本解释

明箱, 显相器

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The camera lucida is a light, portable device that does not require special lighting conditions.


When working with a camera lucida it is beneficial to use black paper and to draw with a white pencil.


The camera lucida is still available today through art-supply channels, but is not well-known or widely used.


The original Wollaston camera lucida, as shown in the diagram to the right, uses an erecting prism.


The drawings were made at a magnification of 500, using a camera lucida, from fresh mounts prepared as described in the section on Practical Methods.


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更多网络解释与camera lucida相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

camera lucida:明箱

人可以站在"帐篷"外看到投射在一个半透明的窗子上的影像. 1807年,英国人贺拉斯沃泊尔(Horace Walpole,1717~1797)研制的明箱(Camera Lucida)在他死后问世. 人们可以不用钻进暗箱而在暗箱外面通过棱镜在图画纸上看见影像.

camera lucida:投影描绘器

: 投影描绘器(Camera Lucida)原为一种用於制图的光学仪器. 将要绘画的事物投影到纸上,以便制图者作精确绘制. 1611年,开普勒(Kepler)於其著作>中清楚描述过. 1806年由英国科学家威廉. 海德.

camera lucida:转写器,投影描绘器

camera lens 摄影机镜头 | camera lucida 转写器,投影描绘器 | camera microscope 照像显微镜

camera lucida:投影描图器

camaraderie 同志感 | camera lucida 投影描图器 | camera obscure 暗箱

abbe camera lucida:阿贝显微镜描图器

abbatial | 修道院长的 | abbe camera lucida | 阿贝显微镜描图器 | Abbe prism | 阿贝棱镜

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