英语人>词典>英汉 : callet的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

callet ['kælit]


荡妇, 妓女, 邋遢女人, (爱骂街的)泼妇

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The text between late Ming and early Qing give prominence to three new type female: callet, talent girl and ability female who incarnate the efforts to try to breakthrough the prescribing of traditional feminine image from three aspects: beyond the mark of morality, beyond the mark of status, the female as male assistant., but the female non-self-determination is still unchanging ultimately.


Indeed there is a closer connection between Ingres's Napoleon and Antoine-Franois Callet's 1789 portrait of Louis XVI—in velvet, silver slippers and powdered perruque , it surely represents the last gasp before the revolution—than between the two versions of Napoleon that were painted only six years apart.

事实上,虽然两幅拿破仑肖像之间只相差六年,比起达维特的作品,安格尔的拿破仑画像更近似于安东尼-弗朗西斯·迦莱特(Antoine-Franois Callet)于1789年所作的路易十六的肖像。画中路易十六身穿天鹅绒礼服,银丝软鞋,戴着扑粉的假发,在革命到来之前作着最后的残喘。

更多网络解释与callet相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caller 访客 | callet 荡妇 | calligraph 漂亮的书写


callery pear | 豆梨 | callet | 荡妇,妓女,邋遢女人,(爱骂街的)泼妇 | calli- | 表示"美丽"之义