英语人>词典>英汉 : bucket list的中文,翻译,解释,例句
bucket list的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bucket list

bucket list的基本解释


更多网络例句与bucket list相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Galapagos is not on my bucket list.


Marriage, children, myriad responsibilities and, ultimately, a 46-year job as an auto mechanic gradually turned his concept of a bucket list into little more than a bittersweet memory of lost opportunities and a mental exercise he occasionally thought about to pass the time while working under the hood of a car...


I used this command to convert The Bucket List which is approximately 1 hour and 37 minutes long.


She had what I call a 'bucket list,' and that was the last thing on it.


The truth is – he had opened a door to help us realize our bucket list of dreams .


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更多网络解释与bucket list相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bucket List:<遗愿清单>

据说这部老年题材的影片在美国的年轻人中间掀起了一阵"清单热",人们争相订制自己的"遗愿清单"(bucket list)并开始努力付诸于实践. "艾德华和卡特用仅剩的几个星期时间来实现他们半生的梦想,相比而言我们还有大把的时间,

The Bucket List:遗愿清单

彪悍的人生不需要解释--<<遗愿清单>>(The Bucket List)其实我一直很讨厌好莱坞电影,美国式的煽情加上好莱坞式的大结局给人留下的却是一堆无可奈何,因为审美疲劳的观众没有多少选择余地.

The Bucket List:一路玩到掛

哈瑞回忆2008年和同事受电影"一路玩到挂"(The Bucket List)影响,哈瑞有两个愿望,"一个是学习喜剧,另一个是参加烤肉大赛". 第一个愿望从未做到,哈瑞表示,第二个愿望却奇妙实现. 2008年3月他与儿时好友董马克组成Slap Yo Daddy BBQ队,

The Bucket List:玩轉身前事

正因为<<玩转身前事>>(The Bucket List)这套电影,所以有了这一篇网志,虽然好像有点严重,但人一世物一世,总有些事情是想在有生之年去做一次,亦同样有一些电影,是希望一看的,也许你也会有一个类似list在你心目中,我当然有,亦有打算和大家分享,

The Bucket List:年《遗愿清单>

2007年<<遗愿清单>>("The Bucket List") | 2003年<<气味相投>>("Anger Management") | 2001年<<关于施密特>>("About Schmidt")

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