英语人>词典>英汉 : attraction cone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
attraction cone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

attraction cone

attraction cone的基本解释

[医] 受精锥

更多网络例句与attraction cone相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Low concentration ryanodine can mimic BDNF to induce growth cone attraction and high dose ryanodine gradient is repulsive to the growth cone.

结果发现,表达DN-Cdc42或CA-Cdc42 能够阻断BDNF 及低浓度ryanodine的浓度梯度对轴突生长锥的化学吸引作用。

Furthermore, we found that the Sema3F-triggered growth cone attraction was abolished by inhibition of the cGMP signaling pathway but not by inhibition of the cAMP signaling pathway, and the attraction was suppressed when elevating the intracellular cGMP level.


A ligand-gated association between cytoplasmic domains of UNC5 and DCC family receptors converts netrin-induced growth cone attraction to repulsion.

一个在UNC5 和DCC家族受体细胞质领域间的配体门控联合把netrin诱导的发育锥体细胞吸引力转变为了排斥力〉《细胞》第97卷,(1999): 927-41页。

Low concentration ryanodine can mimic BDNF to induce growth cone attraction and high dose ryanodine gradient is repulsive to the growth cone.

ryanodine 可以模拟 BDNF 的吸引作用。为进一步研究 Rho GTPases 在轴突转向中的作用,我们将 Cdc42及 RhoA 的显性失活突变基因(dominant negative, DN)及组成性激活突变基因( constitutively active, CA )注射到爪蟾胚胎2-4细胞期的一个细胞中,使它们在胚胎神经元中表达,并观察这些突变基因对 BDNF , LPA , ryonodine 诱导的轴突转向的不同影响,从而推测 Rho GTPases 是否直接参与并介导轴突导向。

更多网络解释与attraction cone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

attraction cone:受精锥

horizontal positioning 水平位置调整[定位] | attraction cone 受精锥 | juvenescent 到达青(少)年期的, 变年轻的

attraction cone:索引突

\\"引诱剂\\",\\"attractant\\" | \\"索引突\\",\\"attraction cone\\" | \\"葡萄螺科\\",\\"ATYISIDAE\\"