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Results show that ammonia volatilization was not detected in all the treatments during the tomato growing season. It was presumed that ammonia partial pressures on the surface soil were lower than the detection limit of the method, as a result of the low ammonical N concentration and low pH in the surface soil.


After 26 d composting,ammonical nitrogen and total nitrogen were improved obviously,which were 10.7 g·kg-1 and 36.9 g·kg-1 respectively in amended treatment,while they were 7.7 g·kg-1 and 26.8 g·kg-1 in un-amended trial.

结果发现,添加固定剂的堆肥处理B中铵态氮含量显著提高,堆肥结束时,NH+4-N含量为10.7 g·kg-1,是未添加固定剂的处理A的3倍,全氮含量为36.9 g·kg-1,比处理A提高10 g·kg-1。

更多网络解释与ammonical相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ammonical copper arsenate:氨化亚砷酸铜

ammoniac 氨的 | ammonical copper arsenate 氨化亚砷酸铜 | ammonite 阿芒奈特炸药

ammonical copper arsenite:氨溶砷酸铜

酸性铬酸铜:acid copper chromate | 氨溶砷酸铜:ammonical copper arsenite | 铜铬砷防腐剂:CCA preservative