英语人>词典>英汉 : almsgiver的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

almsgiver ['ɑ:mz,givə]


施舍者, 布施者

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I love your wisdom as a almsgiver less than that you have now, as a thinker.


You are the almsgiver


If the arrange almsgiver that executes unifinication reforms administrative system, perfect origanization construction, develop fine professional team, establish centralized administrative system and standard.


John the Almsgiver (609 or 619) had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand, and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens (619) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius.

在亚历山大圣约翰Almsgiver ( 609或619 )采取了这封信由Arsas自己的手,才阻止突的撒拉逊人( 619 )使用它,以获取沉积塞尔吉乌斯。

Be opposite according to the country state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise solid almsgiver the spirit of complementary depart, the industry of goods and materials that supplies management in order to serve to give priority to at goods and materials of production, organization will serve as complementary course of study to go out from the depart in production.


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almsdeed 慈善 | almsgiver 施舍者 | almsgiving 施舍

You are the almsgiver:你是给予者

You are the god, 你是上帝, | You are the almsgiver, 你是给予者, | Please, please, I am begging. 求求你,求求你了, 我正在恳求你

Suppose there is a great almsgiver:如有大施主

I will now set forth in detail. 今当分别之 | Suppose there is a great almsgiver 如有大施主 | Who presents gifts to uncountable multitudes, 供给无量众