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abdominal cavity的中文,翻译,解释,例句

abdominal cavity

abdominal cavity的基本解释


更多网络例句与abdominal cavity相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wister rats can be anesthesiaed by 3% Barbital- natrium (0.1ml/100g ip), then rat can be immobilitied on the operation table and makes a 2cm abdominal-median-mcision to detach abdomial aorta and uses seven-size suture silk to ligate abdomial aorta with seven-size needle, and draw out probe. At the same time rats were injected ten-myriad-unit Benzylpenicillin into abdominal cavity and sutured abdominal cavity.

取Wistar大鼠115只用3%戊巴比妥钠(按0.1ml/100g ip)麻醉,将动物固定于手术台上,腹部正中切口2cm后钝性分离腹主动脉,在肾动脉分枝上用7号缝合线将腹主动脉与7号针头一起结扎,然后抽出探针形成腹主动脉狭窄(约50%),同时腹腔一次性注射青霉素10万单位关腹缝合。

Celiac lens gallbladder is excised is to be in lens of TV abdominal cavity is orthoptic below, use special weapon or enter through celiac wall small cut cystic resection applies inside abdominal cavity, do not have a stomach, scar is little, anguish is small, complication is little, operation time is short, restore to wait for an advantage quickly, now already by clinical and wide application.

梗概: 腹腔镜胆囊切除是在电视腹腔镜直视下,利用非凡器械或通过腹壁小切口进入腹腔内施行胆囊切除术,具有不开腹,创伤小,痛苦小,并发症少,手术时间短,恢复快等优点,现已被临床广泛应用。

Results: Among 55 cases of fetus digestive malformation, 3 cases without stomach bubble, 2 cases with small stomach bubble, 7 cases with double bubble, 1 case with strong echo around liver and spleen, 1 case with cyst in liver, 2 cases with solid mass in liver, 1 case with large liver, 2 cases with small intestinal extension, 11 cases with colon extension, 1 case with aproctia, 18 cases with cyst in abdominal cavity, 6 cases with strong echo in abdominal cavity.


更多网络解释与abdominal cavity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abdominal belt:腹带,腹部引力带

abdominal bandage 腹带 | abdominal belt 腹带,腹部引力带 | abdominal cavity pipet 腹腔吸引管

abdominal appendage:腹肢

abdominal aorta 腹织脉 | abdominal appendage 腹肢 | abdominal cavity 腹腔

abdominal bruit:腹部杂音

abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸 | abdominal bruit 腹部杂音 | abdominal cavity 腹腔