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Venetian school的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Venetian school

Venetian school的基本解释




Venetian School
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The first chapter discusses the origin of poly-choral style, including historical background on the tradition of psalms singing. The second chapter focuses on Renaissance time at Venice, and discusses the politics, artistic, glass craft, mosaic art synopsis at that time. The third chapter discusses poly-choral music of Venetian school in the early times of 16th century, and main composers of Venetian school including: Andrian Willaert, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, and Claudio Monteverdi in early time of Baroque period. The fourth chapter discusses poly-choral works, the effects of the acoustics "stereo sound", questions of chorus establishment, textures, and questions of annotation and questions when conducting these pieces based on the discussion and summary from the previous three chapter.


The late Italian Renaissance painter Tintoretto Venetian school of painting of the early works of .1543 for years.


If his work has a careless and unfinished air, he has most of the Venetian School to support him.


Carlo Tononi moved to Venice between 1713-1716, where he became one of the foremost makers of the new Venetian School.

Carlo Tononi在大约1713-1716年的时候搬迁到了威尼斯,在那儿,他成为了威尼斯学校里最重要的制琴家之一。

One of the key artists of the Venetian school, Guardi was heavily influenced by his brother-in-law Tiepolo in the portrayal of people and the use of fresh, bright colors.


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Venetian School:威尼斯学派

来替换过往罗马天主教额我略(Roman Catholic Gregorian Chant)形式的圣乐,并且引进威尼斯学派(venetian school)的全部曲风. 此外,...来替换过往罗马天主教额我略(Roman Catholic Gregorian Chant)形式的圣乐,并且引进威尼斯学派(venetian school)的全部曲风. 此外,...

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