英语人>词典>英汉 : Tourette的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医]Tourette综合征(儿童岁于秽语多动综合征, 病因不明, 分为先天遗传型和后天获得型)

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Objective To investigate the biogenetic significance of EEG abnormality in Children with Tourette syndrome and their parents.

目的 :探讨抽动秽语综合征(Tourette综合征,TS)患儿及其父母的脑电图改变在生物遗传学上的意义。

Objective To investigate the clinical effect of Dingchou granule on Tourette syndrome and its mechanism.

目的 探讨定抽颗粒的临床疗效和作用机制。

Objective To study the pharmacodynamics and toxicity of Ningdong granule for Tourette syndrome.

目的 探讨宁动颗粒对抽动秽语综合征的药效学及其毒性的影响。

Objective To establish animal model and to support basic and clinical investigation of tourette syndrome.


Objective To explore the relationship of cognitive function and selfconcept in children with Tourette syndrome.

目的 探讨抽动秽语综合症患者认知功能与自我意识之间的关系。

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更多网络解释与Tourette相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tourette syndrome:图雷特综合症

Seizures_癫痫 | Tourette Syndrome_图雷特综合症 | Aphasia_ 失语症

Tourette syndrome:熄风静宁冲剂

熄风静宁冲剂:Tourette Syndrome | 多发性抽动症:Tourette"s syndrome | 抽动秽语综合征:Tourette"s Syndrome


Ow! Ow! Fuck me in the ass!|噢,噢! 好痛啊! | Tourette's.|她老公得了图雷特氏病 | She's getting a divorce.|她要离婚


Tour-Marshalltest 图尔-马歇尔弯曲试验 | Tourette'sdisease 拉塔病 | Tournaisianstage 杜内阶

Tourette's syndrome:抽动-秽语综合征

3.抽动秽语综合征(Tourette's syndrome) 见于儿童,表现快速、刻板的反复不规则多发性肌肉抽动,常累及头面部、颈肌群和咽喉肌,还有发怪声或吐脏话. 主要是预防可能引起投掷运动(ballism)的原发病,同时注意加强病人的生活护理,防止各种并发症.

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