英语人>词典>英汉 : renascence的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词

renascence [ri'næsns]


新生, 复活, 重生

n. rebirth · Renaissance
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Accipitral renascence , it is the environment that a business fits internationalization actually, it is a natural decay, be a kind of new capacity build, still be among this process.


He published on TCL in-house forum is him probably from a group of transmission is the widest articles since course of study:" accipitral renascence ".


When we were in frustration of dealing with the problems, when we were to fall apart in disasters; when we were in despair of being betrayed; we may tackle those with 'heartsease' --- thanks to the God, we will be given a new life, a renascence of hope in mind.


We do think reformation necessary, but our goal is renascence.


Your eyes closing, I die;Your eyes opening, i come to renascence..


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第三阶段 新生(renascence). 大约一年后,抑癌基因全面激活,正常细胞大量增殖,淋巴管内组织液流动恢复正常,形成抗体,免疫力增强,人体自然远离肿瘤、远离疾病. 美国联邦医学研究院首席专家、诺贝尔医学奖获得者希钦斯先生翻阅大量文献后,


renardite 黄磷铅轴矿 | renascence 重生 | renascentresurgentreviviscent 复活的

Fight for Renascence:重整河山待后生

06 驼铃 Camel Bell | 07 重整河山待后生 Fight for Renascence | 08 花儿与少年 Flower and Youth

one month, the renascence of life:生命会在一个月后重生

one week, the breezee of night 被风吹过的一星期夏夜 | one month, the renascence of life 生命会在一个月后重生 | one year, the time to throw ourselves in our times 我们都将在一年后毕业

have the renascence and new power in a century:在百年后又有了重生,又有了新的力量

是不是武冈人 Is it Wugang Peo... | 在百年后又有了重生,又有了新的力量? have the renascence and new power in a century? | 在白日炫耀地佩戴七种不同的彩羽 Adorn showily with seven different kinds of colorf...