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Even worse, something deadly has been unleashed underneath theisnow with them - The Ice Queen. Thrown from theicrash, she has awakened from theigold, gruesomely deformed, viciously powerful, anditerrifyingly evil.With little air left anditheiresort collapsing around them, theisurvivors must makeia deadly gamble - face theiIce Queen, or succumbito certain death.

最糟糕的是,可怕的怪物,有着无穷力量,邪恶无比,更令人恐怖无比的The Ice Queen----冰雪女魔,空难把它带到了这里---已经苏醒,就在这些幸存者的附近,面对恶劣的环境,加上空气也所剩不多,这些幸存者面临者生死抉择:要么去勇敢面对女魔,要么就屈服而死。

In a fighter's hands, the longsword is the queen of the battlefield and the greatsword is the queen's executioner.

在一个战士手中,长剑是战斗领域的王者( queen of the battlefield ,我理解为战斗的王者),大剑则是刽子手的最爱(the queen's executioner,我完全是意译了)。

Vernon zhong: Queen Mary is the token of love originally by France King Louie and his Queen Mary. The French Revolution erupted, Louie implored to his political opponent to let Queen Mary pass, and he can remise King to save his beloved person.

仲天骐: Queen Mary 是当初法国国王路易十六送给马力皇后的定情之物,法国大革命的时候,路易十六哀求他的政敌,放过玛丽皇后,他愿意用王位来做交易,来保住他心爱的人。

更多网络解释与Queen相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

queen consort:王后

queen bee 蜂王 | queen consort 王后 | queen dowager 已故君王之妻

queen dowager:已故君王之妻

queen consort 王后 | queen dowager 已故君王之妻 | queen mary's cushion 假妊娠

queen excluder:隔王板

queen cell punch 蘸蜡棒 | queen excluder 隔王板 | queen introducing cage 蜂王诱入器