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Portuguese West Africa的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Portuguese West Africa

更多网络例句与Portuguese West Africa相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Columbus sailed with the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria in an effort to discover a shorter, more direct route to India by heading west, across the Atlantic, on what he presumed to be an open sea route to the East Indies-rather than going south and east around Africa, as Portuguese explorers of his day were trying to do.

哥伦布同 Nina 、 Pinta 和 Santa Maria 一起向西航行穿过大西洋,努力发现一条更短更直接的路线到达印度,因为依据他的推理,大西洋是一个开放海域并通往东部印度,而不必像葡萄牙探险者当年从东南部绕过非洲。

Ornamental Plant The Portuguese Jose Ferreira Gomes introduces the cocoa tree as an ornamental plant on the small island of Principe in the Gulf of Guinea off the west coast of Africa.

装饰性植物葡萄牙人Jose Ferreira Gomes把可可树当作装饰性植物引进了位于西非几内亚海湾的普林西比岛。

The Portuguese Jose Ferreira Gomes introduces the cocoa tree as an ornamental plant on the small island of Principe in the Gulf of Guinea off the west coast of Africa.

葡萄牙人Jose Ferreira Gomes把可可树当作装饰性植物引进了位于西非几内亚海湾的普林西比岛。

更多网络解释与Portuguese West Africa相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Portuguese West Africa,see Angola:葡属西非,见安哥拉

Portuguese Guinea 葡属几内亚 | Portuguese West Africa,see Angola 葡属西非,见安哥拉 | Potidaea 波提代亚