英语人>词典>英汉 : Oxygen的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Four types of sedation were used in pediatric dentistry including nitrous oxide oxygen, sedative-hypnotics, phenothiazine, and narcotics.

用於儿童牙科的镇静有nitrous oxide oxygen、sedative-hypnotics、phenothiazine及narcotics。

Medical ozone ( oxygen-ozone , mixture of oxygen and ozone) has been used to cure many diseases including wound , abscess , gangrene , hepatitis , herpes , osteo- myelitis,vulvovaginitis, thrombophlebitis, Raynaud s disease , AIDS , etc .

目的:臭氧(Ozone, O_3)又称三原子氧,是氧分子(Oxygen , O_2)的同素异形体,具有仅次于氟的强氧化性。

Some water samples from intakes and outlets of 3 wetland pond beds growing Phragmites communis Trin, Typha angustifolia and Cyperus alternifolius were respectively taken for monitoring and contrasting 5 main water quality indexes including dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days (BOD5), total nitrogen, and total phosphorus month by month all year around, so as to discover influences of different plant species on water purification efficiency.

摘 要:通过对成都活水公园人工湿地中的3种优势挺水植物所在塘床进出水口的5个主要水质指标:水中溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)、化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, CODcr)、5日生化耗氧量(biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days, BOD5)、总氮(total nitrogen, TN)、总磷(total phosphorus, TP)的全年逐月对比监测,探索不同植物种类对污水净化效率的影响,并对湿地中不同植物塘净化效率产生差异的原因作了较全面的分析讨论。

更多网络解释与Oxygen相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

oxygen bends:氧气减压病;氧气屈肢症

氧气减压器 oxygen reducer | 氧气减压病;氧气屈肢症 oxygen bends | 氧气再生药板 oxygen regenerator

oxygen deprivation:去氧

oxygen demand 需氧量 | oxygen deprivation 去氧 | oxygen dissociation curve 氧离解曲线

oxygen decompression sickness:氧气减压病

氧中毒 oxygen poisoning, oxygen toxicity | 氧气减压病 oxygen decompression sickness | 氧敏感试验 oxygen susceptibility test