英语人>词典>英汉 : Euratom的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Euratom [juə'rætəm]



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Note Manufacture must comply with the requirements of EURATOM Directives laying down the basic standards for the health protection of the general public and workers against the dangers of ionising radiation, as well as complying with other relevant national requirements.

注:生产必须符合 EURATOM 的要求,EURATOM 规定了公众和生产人员的基本健康保护标准,防止离子放射的危险,同时也要符合其他的相关国家的要求。

But I do argue that EURATOM, with its elaborate treaty powers, large staff and sizeable funds ought to have been able to do more to help pro-nuclear states deal with the key issues of waste fuel disposal and reactor decommissioning.


In recent years, Ispra has blossomed into an important area due to its lakeside location, the presence of the Join Research Centre Euratom and Malpensa airport.

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The Eisenhower Administration thought the Euratom was prior to the EEC by some reasons of security and politics. The American attitude pushed forward the re-launch of the Western European Integration.


EAEC European Atomic Energy Community EURATOM; Euratom


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当时,...名称解释 欧洲原子能共同体(EURATOM),由欧洲联盟成员国组成的国际组织. 在1957年3月25日,<<欧洲煤钢联营条约>>成员国签订<<罗马条约>>,决定成立共同市场及原子能共同体. 后来,


西方正在加紧合作,在欧洲煤钢联营(EGKS),欧洲原子能联营(EURATOM)和欧洲经济共同体(EWG,1965年4月8日)的基础上成立欧洲共同体(EG). 不顾泛阿拉伯主义国家的抗议,同以色列建立外交关系是德国谅解政策迈出的重要一步. 1967年初,


eupyrexiatepefactiontepidity 微热 | euratom 欧洲原子能组织 | eureka 有所发现时的欢呼声

Euratom Commission:欧洲原子能委员会

Traite instituant la Communaute europeenne de l'energie atomique;<<建立欧洲原子能联营条约>>;; | Euratom Commission;欧洲原子能委员会;; | Thessalonique;塞萨洛尼行动计划;;

SA Euratom:欧洲原子能联营供应机构

South Africa and Mozambique Non-aggressive and Good-Neighbourhood Treaty;南非和莫桑比克互不侵犯和睦邻条约;; | SA Euratom;欧洲原子能联营供应机构;; | SA-NGAD CHALORYU;沙鄂.差罗如;;

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