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欧石楠科, 杜鹃花科

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The genus Gaultheria has played an important role in the evolution of the family Ericaceae.


The genus Gaultheria has played an important role in the evolution of the family Ericaceae. However, agreement is lacking on the systematic position and relationships of and within Gaultheria.


Heath An area dominated by dwarf shrubs of the heath family (杜鹃花科 Ericaceae).


51 Orchidaceous species discovered by way of investigation fall into 32 genuses with 41 sedentary plants, 7 adnascent plants and 3 saprophyte plants. Sedentary plants distribute in the communities are composed of panacea, fagaceae, rosaceae, ericaceae plants with life form geophytes.


The species diversity of Dipentodon sinicus communities in Yushe National Forest Park of Guizhou province was studied based on the quadrate method. The results showed that Rosaceae, Ericaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae, Lauraceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cornaceae were the dominant families in D. sinicus communities of Yushe National Forest Park. In the 10 sample plots, there were 8 which were absolutely dominated with D. sinicus population, the importance value came up to 135.69 on average, and it was far higher than the others. For D. sinicus communities, the abundance index (2.847), Simpson index (0.601), Shannon-Wiener index (1.523), probability of inter-specific encounter (0.601) and species evenness (0.569) of the tree layer were lower than those of the shrub layer (5.580, 0.830, 2.377, 0.829, 0.672, respectively) on the whole. It markedly showed a species diversity characteristic of the mixed broadleaved evergreen and deciduous forest in middle subtropics. In the 10 sample plots, the species diversity level of Q1 was the highest, followed by Q3, Q5 and Q6 was the lowest.


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Ericaceae Gaultheria:白珠树属

红脉南烛 Ericaceae Lyonia rubrovenia | 白珠树属 Ericaceae Gaultheria | 白珠树 别名:满山香、豹骨风(广东北部) Ericaceae Gaultheria cumingiana


从目前情况作者: 张春英 学位授予单位: 北京林业大学 摘要: 杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)大多数植物的根系在自然生境中形成一种特殊类型的内生菌根共生体,即杜鹃花类菌根(也称为欧石南类菌根)(Ericoid mycorrhizas,


蓝莓(Blueberry)学名V accinium spp,又称为越桔、蓝浆果,属杜鹃科(Ericaceae)越桔属(V accinium L.)植物. 其果实风味独特,营养丰富,被誉为"浆果之王". 由于其突出的保健作用,消费量上升,具有广阔的市场前景,发展速度很快.


石南科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vaccinium)中的两大类群,灌木型浆果类果树. 分布于北半球,以美国和加拿大的资源最为丰富. 其中,高丛越橘树高3~5米,喜温暖湿润气候和强酸性土壤;矮丛越橘高度不过50厘米,极能抗寒;兔眼越橘较抗热耐旱;


54.杨柳科Salicaceae | 55.杜鹃花科(石南科)Ericaceae | 56.山榄科Sapotaceae

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