英语人>词典>英汉 : Chatwin的中文,翻译,解释,例句



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更多网络例句与Chatwin相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recent biographies have shown that such successful travel writers as Laurens van der Post and Bruce Chatwin told a story or two as tall as Vespucci's.

最近的传记已经说明,像 Laurens van der Post 和 Bruce Chatwin 那样的成功旅行作家编起故事来,和瓦斯普契不相上下。

Effortlessly bilingual, they speak English with an impeccably BBC accent and they scoff with an unmistakably English sniffiness at Chatwin's roots.


Literature has a great influence on my initial encounter, especially the poetic recounting of experiences particular to different places the writings of Willa Cather on New Mexico, Camus on North Africa, Bruce Chatwin on Australia or Patagonia, and Federico Gartia Lorca's evocations of Andalucia.


更多网络解释与Chatwin相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maria Bamford:喜剧演员

6.Bruce Chatwin-作家 | 7.Maria Bamford-喜剧演员 | 8.Elizabeth Blackadder-艺术家

Marie-Josee Croze ....Medical Examiner:玛丽-乔西.克罗兹

贾斯汀.查特文 Justin Chatwin ....Matt Soulsby | 玛丽-乔西.克罗兹 Marie-Josee Croze ....Medical Examiner | 马赛尔.金宁 Marcel Jeannin ....Train Man


此前片方已经宣布了3位演员人选,分别是:贾斯汀.查文(Justin Chatwin)扮演"悟空"(Goku),詹姆斯.马斯特(James Marsters)扮演"短笛/比克"(Piccolo),Jamie Chung扮演悟空女友"芝芝/琪琪"(Chi-Chi).