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asia minor的中文,翻译,解释,例句

asia minor

asia minor的基本解释


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These totalled altogether nine,including six in the west:Sicily,Sardinia,Corsica,Spain,Gaul and Africa;and three in the east:Illyria,Macedon and Asia Minor.

这些全部总计九,包括六在西部中:Sicily 、萨丁尼亚、科西嘉岛、西班牙、 Gaul 和非洲;和三在东部中:Illyria 、 Macedon 和亚洲 Minor。

It was the first power that the Turks established in the Westem Asia. The country existed more than 200 years. Holding the Abbsids khalifs religious status, the Empire ruled vast area of the Westem Asia, the Central Asia and Asia Minor.It had great influence on the history of these places.


The first philosopher of historical record was Thales, who lived in the 6th century BC in Miletus, a city on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor.


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Asia Minor:小亚细亚

奥斯曼的统治,始自1453年土耳其人攻占君士坦丁堡,于1918年寿终正寝,统治的巅峰时期,幅员从亚得里亚海到波斯湾、从西地中海到红海,以俗称的"小亚细亚"(Asia Minor)为中心,包括今天所谓"中东"(Middle East)的全部.

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