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These pipes have strong gutta-percha articulations, so that the oscillations of the balloon may have no effect on them


It is one of the most important articulations of rights to which human beings are inherently entitled.


Velocity layers. The Epic Dhol drums contains a great variety of articulations, since each side of drum produces very different sounds.


Different civilizational contexts are reflected in divergent definitions, articulations and dynamics of the political sphere.


Background: Wrist motion is dependent on the complex articulations of the scaphoid and lunate at the radiocarpal joint.


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Articulations ? Woodwinds:(木管演奏技法)

harmonics和声,泛音 | Articulations ? Woodwinds(木管演奏技法) | 3 Flutes -长笛

Articulations Percussion:(打击乐演奏技法)

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ometacarpal articulations:腕掌关节

ometacarpal ==> 腕掌的 | ometacarpal articulations ==> 腕掌关节 | ometacarpal dislocation ==> 腕掌关节脱位

vertebral articulations:椎关节

vertebral artery ==> 椎动脉 | vertebral articulations ==> 椎关节 | vertebral body ==> 椎骨体,椎体

Articulations of Limb Bone:第三节 四肢骨的连结

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