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与 看穿 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可测明深度的; 可了解的; 可推测的 (形)

fathom 测量深度; 彻底了解; 看穿 (动) | fathomable 可测明深度的; 可了解的; 可推测的 (形) | fathomless 深不可测的, 不可思议的, 难理解的 (形)

When you give me a flash of that smile


And I know what you mean|* 但我一眼就能看穿 | When you give me a flash of that smile|* 你藏在笑容背后的非分之想 | But, boy, you're only a child|* 可惜你只是个小毛孩

foreran forerun


foreknow 预知 foreknew foreknown | forerun 作先驱 foreran forerun | foresee 看穿 foresaw foreseen



foreseeable /可预知的/能预测的/能看穿的/ | foreseen /预见/预知/ | foreshadow /暗示/

foreshow foreshowed foreshown


foresee foresaw foreseen 看穿 | foreshow foreshowed foreshown 预示 | foretell foretold foretold 预言

get back at


get back 回来取回[俚]报复(on) | get back at [俚]实行报复 | get behind 落后支持, 帮助识破, 看穿回避拖欠

He made some pictures of the divinities of Hinduism


4508. At last I divined the truth. 我终于看穿了事情的真... | 4509. He made some pictures of the divinities of Hinduism. 他画了几幅印度教中的神像. | 4510. Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公...

Illumine, what is low raise and support


22: And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark 看穿我内心的黑暗 | 23: Illumine, what is low raise and support; 照亮那卑微,唤起并支持着我 | 24: That to the highth of this great Argument 直到这伟大的辩...

seeing everything in a flash


seeing through illusions 看穿假象 | getting the answer得到答案 | seeing everything in a flash 一瞬间看清每件事情

missile launcher


whole number [数]整数 | missile launcher 火箭发射装置 | detectible 可发觉的, 可看穿

第5/10页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页

Vestibulum vaginae:前庭

5.阴道前庭(vestibulum vaginae)是两侧小阴唇围成的空间,前方有尿道,后方有阴道口. 6.处女膜(hymen)位于阴道口与阴道前庭分界处,由薄层结缔组织和粘膜构成. 处女膜中间有孔. 7.前庭大腺(glandula vestiblaris major)与男子尿道球腺相当,

within half a mile of the moorage:在离泊船处半英里以内的(树)

we will chop down every tree|我们将砍伐每一棵树 | within half a mile of the moorage|在离泊船处半英里以内的(树) | and use the straightest limbs|用最直的树枝

tribrach clamp:中心轴制动

"三角基座","tribrach" | "中心轴制动","tribrach clamp" | "三角基座片","tribrach plate"