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与 worship 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

worship of ancestor:祖先崇拜

图腾崇拜:worship of totem | 祖先崇拜:worship of ancestor | 祖宗神崇拜:ancestor worship

worship crazily:狂热推崇

山崇拜:worship towards mountain | 狂热推崇:worship crazily | 图腾崇拜:totem worship

Grandchild Worship:孙承宗

沈明臣 Submerged Female Supremacy in Marriage | 孙承宗 Grandchild Worship; Winnie the Pooh worship; Mickey Mouse worship; et cetera | 汤显祖 Soup Giant Offensive Linemen

Individualistic Worship:个人崇拜

弥勒信仰:Maitreya worship | 个人崇拜:Individualistic Worship | 社稷:God of Land and God of Grain-the state

Maitreya worship:弥勒信仰

民间信仰:folk worship | 弥勒信仰:Maitreya worship | 个人崇拜:Individualistic Worship

Animal worship:动物崇拜

在早期的民族,往往会有动物崇拜(animal worship)和植物崇拜(plant worship)的崇拜倾向. 而在动植物崇拜中又逐渐衍生出动植物通灵的原始巫术信仰来. 在泛太平洋地区的原始萨满(shaman)教中往往以动植物作为巫师通天的媒介和工具.

Worship of deity from nature:自然神抵崇拜

崇狮习俗:the folk custom of the lion worship | 自然神抵崇拜:Worship of deity from nature | 崇正主变:worship Confucism while attach importance to the form change of poem

4. The theme of the year is well communicated at worship service through the year:教會年度主題均能有效地傳達宣導 4

3. The time for worship service was w... | 4. The theme of the year is well communicated at worship service through the year. 教會年度主題均能有效地傳達宣導 4.5 | 6. The participation of worship servic...

The time for worship service was well managed:崇拜的時間安排妥當

2. The worship service is focused on the biblical pur... | 3. The time for worship service was well managed.崇拜的時間安排妥當 4.58 | 4. The theme of the year is well communicated at worship service th...

seagod worship:海神信仰

宗教崇拜:Faith and worship | 海神信仰:seagod worship | 崇虎习俗:tiger worship

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Let Us Worship Him
Hero Worship
I Worship Only What You Bleed
Praise & Worship
Worship The King
Murder Worship
I Worship You
Psalm 150 (Call To Worship)
Praise And Worship You
Worship Medley: I Worship You / Almighty God...

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子