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与 towel 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tea towel tray:茶巾盘

cup saucer 杯托 | tea towel tray 茶巾盘 | tea holder 茶荷

terry pigment tea towel:起毛涂料茶巾

terry loom 毛圈织机 | terry pigment tea towel 起毛涂料茶巾 | terry poplin 毛圈府绸

throw in the towel:扔毛巾(认输,放弃)

the whole nine yards 整整九码(一举成功,美式足球的攻方一次需推进十码) | throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃) | tie the knot 打结(结婚)

throw in the towel:拱手认负

use a sledge hammer to crack a nut 杀鸡用牛刀(高射炮打蚊子); | throw in the towel 拱手认负; | bury the hatchet 握手言和;

throw in the towel:认输,放弃

the walls have ears 隔墙有耳 | throw in the towel 认输,放弃 | tie the knot 结婚

throw in the towel:认输

throw in one's hand 放弃 | throw in the towel 认输 | throw into the shade 逊色

I throw in the towel:我放弃了

ring a bell 唤起记忆,耳熟 | I throw in the towel. 我放弃了 | The sky's the limit. 毫无限制,放心去做

I'm ready to throw in the towel:我认输了

You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废. ) | I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了. ) | Be good to others.(要善待他人. )

to throw oss in the towel:認輸成語英美片語成語

56157認罪;服罪法律開庭plead guilty | 56158認輸成語英美片語成語to throw\\toss in the towel | 56159認錯目標;白費心思成語英美片語成語to bark up the wrong tree

throw in towel:向台上扔毛巾(表示认输)

throw a punch出拳 | throw in towel向台上扔毛巾(表示认输) | triple blow连击三拳trun拳击短裤

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Dreams Of The Funky Towel
Air Towel

vehicular bridge:行车桥

vehicular border link 边境连接道路 | vehicular bridge 行车桥 | vehicular corridor 行车走廊


近代社会,随着非洲与西方帝国的分裂,非洲的农业正面临着倒退(setback). 欧洲的百万富翁们、军政要员们以及科学家们带来了他们的欧洲谷类(cereal)譬如小麦和玉米,并且认为那些他们所不熟悉的非洲谷类都是劣等作物. 伴随着现代化的包装和广告,

Ave maria/The little drummer boy:聖母頌

1. The first noel 天籟序曲 | 2. Ave maria/The little drummer boy 聖母頌 | 3. When a child is born 小小鼓手