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and their thwarted flights brush by us even now:和他们挫败航班刷,我们即使是现在

betrayed by the darkness; 背叛了黑暗; | and their thwarted flights brush by us even now, 和他们挫败航班刷,我们即使是现在, | so recently separated from us, so close still, 所以最近脱离我们如此接近,但

My anchor off the cloddish shore:这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸

直到现在,我还不能离开 Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing | 这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸,My anchor off the cloddish shore, | 我还没有热烈地拥抱你,大海!Exultantly your realm surveying,

And foundered droves of masted ships:成群的渔船就会覆没

但你若汹涌起来,无法克服,Yet by your titan romps have weltered | 成群的渔船就会覆没. And foundered droves of masted ships. | 直到现在,我还不能离开 Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing


thwarted 挫败 | elaborate 详尽阐述 | allude 婉转提及


13. Exeter:埃克塞特市,位于英国英格兰西南部,是德文郡的首府. | 14. thwarted:挫败的. | 15. stock prices would plunge:牲畜价格会大幅度下跌.

thwarted my bargains:阻吾商贾贩其货

scorned my nation, 嗤吾犹太无家国, | thwarted my bargains, 阻吾商贾贩其货, | cooled my friends, 痛处皆为吾所珍,

They thwarted her plans:他们制止了她的计划

4. thwart v.挫败,阻止......的发生、实现或达成 | They thwarted her plans.他们制止了她的计划. | 5. passion n.激情,热情

Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing:直到现在,我还不能离开

成群的渔船就会覆没. And foundered droves of masted ships. | 直到现在,我还不能离开 Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing | 这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸,My anchor off the cloddish shore,

scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains:斥责我的民族 阻挠我的生意

Iaughed at my losses, mocked at my gains,|嘲笑我... | scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains,|斥责我的民族 阻挠我的生意 | cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what's his reason?|疏远了我的朋友,...

I saw a mermaid, thwarted pirates:我看见一只美人鱼,挫败海盗

It's a long long way to go on a pedalo, a pedalo... 这是一段在脚踏船上漫... | I saw a mermaid, thwarted pirates 我看见一只美人鱼,挫败海盗 | Wrestled sea squids, this and more 按倒海里的大乌贼,除此之外更...

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美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

