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sort of相关的网络解释

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与 sort of 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The donor and the donee sort of have opposing interests,right:捐献者和被捐献者存在 某种对立的利益关系,明白了

Just have one of your team walk her through the pro... | The donor and the donee sort of have opposing interests,right?|捐献者和被捐献者存在 某种对立的利益关系,明白了? | You can't really advise them bo...

Some sort of midlife crisis:你想解决中年危机

Why are you buying this land, Mr. Bloom?|你为何要买下这里? | Some sort of midlife crisis?|你想解决中年危机? | Instead of buying a convertible, you buy a town?|不买敞篷跑车,却买个小镇?

No.Just sort of read up on my own:只是自己看看书

You've taken physics al ready?|你已经学物理了? | No.Just sort of read up on my own.|只是自己看看书 | I had to teach myself a lot of stuff too.|有很多我也是自学

Sort of tragic is sometimes being softhearted:有时候心软是一种悲惨

我就忘了吻别的冷淡 Frigidness of kissing bye then I forget | 有时候心软是一种悲惨 Sort of tragic is sometimes being softhearted | 推自己跌入遗憾 Which pushes myself fall into regret

Sort of:差不多吧

Um,so is... Is that your dress for the kiss on the lips party? 我...这是你参加派对的礼服吗 | Sort of. 差不多吧 | Speaking of that,um,here. 说到这个 给

some sort of:多少有些

Advantages and Disadvantages of the System 系统的优点和缺点 | some sort of 多少有些 | responsible for creating. 负责创建

Yeah, sort of:嗯, 好像听过

from a terrible disease spread by cockroaches ?|是因为由蟑螂所散布的? | Yeah, sort of.|嗯, 好像听过. | We created a new breed of insect...|我们创造了一个新品种的昆虫...

Yeah, sort of:差不多这样吧

It's kind of like having your mouth below your chin.|就像你的嘴巴长在下巴下面. | Yeah, sort of.|差不多这样吧. | Hey, don't tell anyone, all right?|嗨,不要告诉任何人,好吗?

She's sort of mousy:她有点拘谨. / Her hair is mousy. 她的头发是灰黄色的

Don't be afraid of him. He's as meek as a mouse. 别怕,他很温和的. | She's sort of mousy. 她有点拘谨. / Her hair is mousy. 她的头发是灰黄色的. | OWL 猫头鹰

in a sort of way:有些

in a snap 立刻 | in a sort of way 有些 | in a state of nature 处于原始状态

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Sort Of Delilah
Some Sort Of Creature
Sort Of Revolution
Sort Of
Sort Of A Protest Song
Sort Of
With Any Sort Of Certainty
A Sort Of Homecoming

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子