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与 six 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xinmang six chirography:新莽"六书

质量管理:Six Sigma | 新莽"六书":Xinmang six chirography | 六方会谈:Six-Party Talks

If every ducat in six thousand ducats:就算六千个金币 中的每个金币

Here is six.|这是六千 | If every ducat in six thousand ducats|就算六千个金币 中的每个金币 | were in six parts and every part a ducat|都分成六份,每一 份都是一个金币

six-color printing press:六色印刷机

six-channel recorder 六通道记录仪 | six-color printing press 六色印刷机 | six-colour press 六色凹版印刷机

Six shooter:六发式手枪

six-pack 厚纸板箱 | six-shooter 六发式手枪 | six-three-three 六三三制的


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Thirty-six Strategies:《三十六计>

六西格玛:Six Sigma | >:Thirty-six Strategies | 六书说:Views on Six Scripts

flowery six the dead shape; a rabbity six:花六

半目胜负a game decided by half a point | 花六flowery six the dead shape; a rabbity six | 看花劫flowery ko; a one-sided ko

six to one:六对一(表示很有把握), 十有八九

six of the best 鞭打六下的体罚 | six to one 六对一(表示很有把握), 十有八九 | six ways to [for] Sunday [美俚]在许多方面, 完全, 彻底

six destinies:六趣, 六道

six coarse marks 六麁 | six destinies 六趣, 六道 | six external sense bases 外六处

six-furrow ploughs:六铧犁

Six States;六国;; | six-furrow ploughs;六铧犁;; | six-membered ring;六元环; 六原子环;;

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Six Feet Under
Six Hours
Six Feet Under The Stars
Princess Six
Six Man Band
Six In Da Morning
Six Seconds
Your Sweet Six Six Six
Six Six Six

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

