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read aloud相关的网络解释

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与 read aloud 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

read aloud:朗读

为了落实这种成效,笔者过去甚至要求师大、台大,以及现在的世新大学同学们,大声朗读(read aloud)此类精选文章,以便结合音韵、文本、语感,与口语流畅之合成练习,以便达成仿效与运用之功能.

read aloud:大声朗读

文学课程(Literacy Program)可分为几个不同的层次: 大声朗读(Read aloud). 参与写作(Shared Writing),如孩子说成人写 交互写作(Interactive Writing),孩子成人共同写作,只是较容易的部分由孩子承担. 随着孩子年龄的增长,承担部分加大.

read aloud:大声朗诵

16.伴我度过一天的好时光 help me get through the day | 17.大声朗诵 read aloud | 18.就着烛光 by the light of a candle

read aloud:大声念

Now, let's read it together.现在我们一起念. | Read aloud. 大声念. | Read slowly and loudly.慢慢地大声地念.

5.read aloud:5.朗读 ___________

4.观看英语录象__________ 4.watch English-language videos | 5.朗读 ___________ 5.read aloud | 6.练习语音_________ 6.practice pronunciation

Read aloud together:(和他们)大声地一起读

10. Play with them.|和他们玩. | 11. Read aloud together.|(和他们)大声地一起读. | 12. Giggle together.|(和他们)一起傻笑.

Read aloud together:和他们一起大声朗读

10.Play with them.和他们一起玩. | 11.Read aloud together.和他们一起大声朗读. | 12.Giggle together. 和他们一起欢笑.

Read aloud together:大声齐读

Speak out the different places.说出不同的地点名称. | Read aloud together.大声齐读. | Remember the homework.记下作业.

Read aloud,please:请大声读

90. Put some feeling into our reading.带点儿感情读. | 91. Read aloud,please.请大声读. | 92. Reading aloud is very important.大声朗读非常重要.

read; read aloud:读

721 念 read aloud, study, attend school | 722 读 read; read aloud | 723 实现 realize; achieve; bring about

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美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

