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与 plunges 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Down the hill, where the dying sun lumbers:下山去,那儿垂死的太阳蜗行着

I think of soldiers! 我想起士兵们! | Down the hill, where the dying sun lumbers, 下山去,那儿垂死的太阳蜗行着, | The laughing blood plunges, 欢笑的血液骤然冷却,[plunge?]

Or plunges:自救和沉沦的翅膀

This flight of swans, no! Naiads, flies是天鹅盘旋,不,那是泉中仙女 | Or plunges . . ." 自救和沉沦的翅膀. " | Inert, all burns in the fierce hour黄褐色的时辰里,一切都在燃烧,

It plunges inward:唯有向內流竄

奪目光芒無處發散 Their brilliance has no place to go. | 唯有向內流竄 It plunges inward, | 鑽透白雪綿綿 Spike through snow.

The laughing blood plunges:欢笑的血液骤然冷却

Down the hill, where the dying sun lumbers, 下山去,那儿垂死的太阳蜗行着, | The laughing blood plunges, 欢笑的血液骤然冷却,[plunge?] | Speechless 橡树下的

Love plunges into eternal night:爱情进入永夜

划出一句离别 Drew out your line of, "Farewell." | 爱情进入永夜 Love plunges into eternal night. | 依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝 I still remember the tears falling from your desolated eyes.

The path plunges down to the sea:这条路没入海底

Without stopping to think of his own safety, he plunged down to save the drowning boy. 他顾不上考虑自身安... | The path plunges down to the sea. 这条路没入海底. | 10. cling to: stay near or touching 紧...

A. He plunges into the pool:他跳入泳池中

3. How does Poseidon save a life? 波塞冬是怎么样拯救生命的? | A. He plunges into the pool. 他跳入泳池中 | B. It alerts the lifeguard. 他提醒救护人员

This flight of swans, no! Naiads, flies:是天鹅盘旋,不,那是泉中仙女

And that to the prelude where the pipes first stir序幕缓缓,芦笛悠扬, | This flight of swans, no! Naiads, flies是天鹅盘旋,不,那是泉中仙女 | Or plunges . . ." 自救和沉沦的翅膀. "

A moulin, a shaft in the ice opened by meltwater:冰川瓯穴--由冰融水凿成的

They're the most powerful erosive force on our planet.|它是地球上... | A moulin, a shaft in the ice opened by meltwater|冰川瓯穴--由冰融水凿成的 | as it plunges into the depths of the glacier.|直达冰川深...



美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

