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与 musical 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

musical clapping board:搭板

musical candle 音乐蜡烛 | musical clapping board 搭板 | musical clock 音乐钟

musical instrument:乐谱

musical echo 乐音回声 | musical instrument 乐谱 | musical acoustics 音乐声学

musical box:音箱

musical badge 音乐徽章 | musical box 音箱 | musical candle 音乐蜡烛

musical comedy:喜歌剧

"音乐盒","Musical box" | "喜歌剧","Musical comedy" | "曲式学","Musical form"

Further Localization of American Musical Comedy:美国音乐喜剧深耕本土化

第三章 音乐喜剧:对本土自主品牌的探索 Chapter Three Musical Comedy: Exploration of ... | ◇ 美国音乐喜剧深耕本土化 Further Localization of American Musical Comedy | ◇ 音乐喜剧的兴盛 Prosperity of Musical...

Appreciation of famous musical Composition and Basis of Musical:名曲欣赏与乐理基础

面向对象程序设计Objected Oriented Programming | 名曲欣赏与乐理基础Appreciation of famous musical Composition and Basis of Musical | 模具设计Dies Design

electronic musical instrument:电子乐器制造

"2432"," 西乐器制造"," Western Musical Instrument" | "2433"," 电子乐器制造"," Electronic Musical Instrument" | 2439," 其他乐器及零件制造"," Other Musical Instrument and Recreational Goods"

Western Musical Instruments:西乐器制造

2431 Chinese Musical Instruments 中乐器制造 | 2432 Western Musical Instruments 西乐器制造 | 2433 Electrionic Musical Instruments 电子乐器制造

musical notation musical notation:乐谱

musical notation musical notation 乐谱 | f clef 低音谱号 | slur 连线

musical form:研究

Musical相关词的翻译: | 研究:musical form | 音级:musical scale

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Musical Chairs
People (From Broadway Musical)
People (From Barbra And Other Musical Instruments)
Second Hand Rose (From Barbra And Other Musical Instruments)
Channel 5 News: The Musical
Hits... A Musical Portrait
Musical Key
I'm Sorry (Wake The Musical Baby)
Musical Massacre
Musical Chairs

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子